Sunday, February 5, 2017

The Power of Gratitude

                Have you ever wondered how can I be happier or asked yourself why am I not happy?

Happiness is define by me and I alone hold the key to my happiness. I begin by asking myself, what makes me happy? As I make a list of things that make me happy, I begin to see that the key to my happiness is gratitude. The things that I appreciate the most, bring me the most happiness. Is that a shocker? Well, not to me. Gratitude has the power to transform your mind. It's my secret medicine. Once I been to appreciate things more, I did not have time to be sad, angry, or even complain. Everyday I make it a priority to show my appreciation to others and that not only helps my mood, but it may also help the mood of those I'm around.

When I'm feeling low I think about all the things I am grateful for. For example, I am really grateful for my family, my father especially. He is very supportive and provides wisdom, which is priceless. It's the little things he does that make me so very proud to call him my father.

So next time your feeling down, ask yourself,what are am grateful for? Why am I grateful for this?


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